Our FAQs
At Wallan Physiotherapy Centre, we understand that you may want to ask a range of questions before making your booking. This is why we have put together some frequenty asked questions that will hopefully answer your inquiries.
Have you got a sore back or neck? Have you had a sporting or other injury? A physiotherapist may very well be able to help.
Physiotherapists are experts in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of any disorder affecting the musculoskeletal system.
Physiotherapists are trained to assess the underlying cause of joint, bone, muscle and nerve injuries and provide effective (scientifically based) treatment. They use a wide range of drug-free techniques to relieve pain, restore movement and, importantly, prevent further problems.
Physiotherapists can help solve or avoid many of the painful problems that you may encounter throughout life. Whether you’re young or old, active or taking it easy, there’s a good chance you could benefit from physiotherapy at some point.
Any condition that affects your muscles, joints, or nerves can be helped by physiotherapy. Common problems include:
- Back and neck pain, including whiplash
- Work injuries
- Sports injuries
- Trauma and fractures
- Rehabilitation following surgery
- Arthritis
- Overuse injuries are also known as repetitive strain injury (RSI)
- Pregnancy-related symptoms such as back pain and stress incontinence
- Asthma and other breathing difficulties
When you first see your physiotherapist you will be given a thorough assessment. This will involve the physiotherapist asking you several questions about your problem, past history and general health — the subjective assessment. They will then ask you to perform various movements — physical assessment.
The information gained from the subjective and physical assessments will allow the physiotherapist to make a diagnosis which they will then explain to you.
Treatment will then be performed, which may include various modalities such as:
- Soft tissue massage
- Joint mobilisation
- Individually tailored rehabilitation exercises
- Taping
- Dry needling
The physiotherspist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that takes into account your lifestyle, leisure activities and general health. Education will also be provided regarding ways to best self-manage your problem. This will include advice on how you can help yourself and potentially suggesting some modifications for your work, school or sporting activities.
Further, the physiotherapist is likely to teach you exercises to perform at home to help speed up your recovery and prevent recurrences.
Throughout the treatment or re-training program, the physio evaluates your progress at regular intervals, modifying treatment and goals when necessary. Wherever possible your physio will also work with you to help you learn to manage your condition independently in the long term.
To ask any questions or to make a booking, call 03 5783 3442